Sonoma State Softball 2009-2010

Sonoma State Softball 2009-2010

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

1 week down, 7341535 more to go... . . . .. . .

Gosh, never thought week one was going to end.  Unfortunately the team didn't come back in the best of shape and everyone noticed and the coaches clearly not pleased.  The first day of conditioning we were to run 12 "gassers" which consists of 12, 100 yard sprints; fast people finish in under 17 seconds, medium speed people finish in under 18 and slower people finish in under 20.  Sadly, we didn't even get that far because in the middle of the 90+ degree weather people were dry heaving, dropping, pulling muscles, and puking.  Needless to say we have our work cut out for us this fall and are going to have to work twice as hard to get back into shape so we don't waste our valuable time on the field.  Myself along with my fellow seniors came up with a plan where we now condition twice a week on the days we don't already condition and lift with the coaches, we head to the track at 6:45 am and create and conduct our own conditioning for an hour.  We also do optional but "recommended" conditioning on Sunday evenings.  Since we set this in place, gassers are less of a struggle for the team as a whole and hope to complete all in the allowed time in the coming weeks.  Though its a minor set back Im hoping that some good will come of this and we will come together as a team sooner than anticipated and some leadership roles will emerge in the process.  Conditioning and weight lifting aside, we have a talented group of girls out there and there is going to be thick competition at just about every position.  I am flip flopping from catching to outfield and enjoy both but my arm isn't enjoying the double time because the strain it puts on my arm is tremendous.  But nothing lots of hours rehabbing and strengthening in the training room can't help. Ice baths have become a common thread among my teammates and I to help ease the hurt of this strenuous fall season.

As far as SAAC is concerned we were very pleased with the turnout of our first event of the year and earned a good chunk of money that will help dig us out the financial hole that we are currently in.  After doing that our next plan is to join the American Cancer Society in their Breast Cancer Walk in Golden Gate Park toward the end of October.  Another side project that we are attempting to embark on is to create shirts that we can sell to the school and the community that read "Blue Crew" and it essentially will be a shirt you can wear in support of athletics at any of the games, races, matches, tournaments, etc.  While that is currently a work in progress our current focus is raising the money for Breast Cancer and getting all of our teams out there to support the fall sports which are currently in season.

Senior year is not exactly what I expected it to be or maybe I was unsure of what to expect from the get go.  I am taking four classes this semester; Media Law, Life Span Development (Psychology), Public Relations Team for The Star, and Senior Internship.  This only leaves one more upper division GE, Senior Seminar, and taking the WEPT for second semester and then I'll graduate?  Well, seems like I need to narrow my focus and just live in the moment and with that said my current goal academically is to get a 4.0 this semester.  For SAAC I want to earn $300 for the Breast Cancer Walk among the student athletes and for softball I want to attack the outside pitch and learn to love it as much as I do the up and in pitch.  With week one being done and now apart of my past, I'm hopeful for the future. Buh Bye :)

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